National Western Center

Development, UX/UI | Visit Website

The National Western Center represents the redevelopment of the area in North Denver containing the facilities for the National Western Stock Show. The redevelopment of the campus aims to create a space that focuses on agriculture, education, and entertainment. As part of the redevelopment process, the center required a website that allows them to present and provide the public a variety of information including construction updates, news posts, procurement documents, and events. The responsive website uses WordPress to allow for ease of content modification as well as providing flexibility via a variety of content modules for future updates.

To meet the needs of a wide user base, the homepage for the site serves as an aggregate of information about the center providing access to items including construction updates, news posts, open RFPs, and general information.

The National Western Center’s responsive website was created utilizing the Bootstrap framework, Sass, and integrates with WordPress to allow for ease of content updates throughout the site.

Involvement in the project included requirement gathering, site architecture, wireframes, design, development and deployment.

As the redevelopment of the campus moves forward, the National Western Center required a site that could present a large amount of content to a variety of users looking for different types of content. The admin WordPress interface was tailored to allow quick updates to all areas of the site and the design allows users to quickly access the information they are looking to find.